Szilvia Szabo is a hungarian artist, living in Okinawa, Japan.
She fell in love with japanese manga and anime as a high school student, that inspired her to learn how to draw, and to learn the language in order to become a manga artist in Japan.
In 2014 she travelled to Japan, as an exchange student, and started to pursue her dream, trying to draw manga in her student years. After finishing graduate school, she was working as a graphic designer in Nagano.
She was amazed by the nature of Nagano. whenever she had a hard time in school or at work, or being upset about her dream not becoming true, she found her peace in the nature surrounded by the majestic mountains, watching the cherry blossoms in the spring and the colorful momiji leaves in the fall.
She loved painting outside in the nature, and she enjoyed drawing character illustrations and paintings, imagining how would the nature look like, if It became alive. Creating original characters, thinking about their personality, about their story.
She failed to become a manga artist, because she is not good at making up stories. But after years and years of painting in the nature, she realized that the nature was telling her the story she was waiting for…
In 2020 she held an exhibition series, showing all the paintings she did in Nagano, telling the story she heard in the nature.
The only thing missing from Nagano was the ocean. The artist has been longing for the far away ocean since she was a little child, so moving to Okinawa in the end of 2020 was kind of a dream come true for her. She is currently painting and listening to the stories of the ocean and the nature of Okinawa.
She haven’t given up on becoming a manga artist. She have the most amazing stories to tell you...