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Oil Paintings

watercolor Paintings

Pink Clouds, 2020, Nagano 285 x 192 mm.jpg

Cherry Blossoms of Zenkoji Temple

2020, Nagano

watercolor on paper

285 x 192 mm

Notes: When it was exhibited, it was sprayed with glue spray to be glued to a panel, so the backside the paper is still a bit sticky.

5500 JPY

6. Dream of the Wiping Cherry, 2019, Nagano 210 x 297 mm.JPG

Dream of the Weeping Cherry

2019 apr, Nagano, Joyama Park

watercolor on thick watercolor paper

297 x 210 mm

Notes: When it was exhibited, it was sprayed with glue spray to be glued to a panel, so the backside the paper is still a bit sticky.

7700 JPY


Mountain Cherry Blossom

2019-20, Matsumoto and Nagano

watercolor on paper

100 x 148 mm, 100 x 148 mm

Notes: 2 piece postcard set

When it was exhibited, it was sprayed with glue spray to be glued to a panel, so the backside the paper is still a bit sticky.

4400 JPY

3. Cherry Blossom Bridge 2018, Suzaka  237 x 331 mm-min.jpg

Cherry Blossom Bridge

2020 Suzaka, Garyuu Park

watercolor on  paper

237 x 331 mm

Notes: When it was exhibited, it was sprayed with glue spray to be glued to a panel, so the backside the paper is still a bit sticky.

15400 JPY